Frequency Sources I have

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Agilent 1588-LXI MY43002681 PTP, xtal 25Mhz RXTXclk apparently no IEC N/A 2018-02-?? $20 WeirdStuff BNCs, serial, USB, 100BT=thing1 25MHz TXCLK-RXCLK~1000Hz PTP demo
Agilent 1588-LXI US42000101 PTP, xtal 25Mhz RXTXclk apparently no IEC N/A 2018-02-?? $20 WeirdStuff BNCs, serial, 100BT=thing2 (no USB opening) 25MHz TXCLK-RXCLK~1000Hz PTP demo, TS works
Chronetics PG-11 158 R/L/C 0-20MHz partially ? wired N/A 2019-04-13 $10 flea @ Fry's BNCs sync works, final amp doesn't--may bypass pulse generator
Extech 380282 xtal 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 50, 60, 75, 100, 150, 200, 300, 600, 1000, 1200, 1600, 2400, 4800 Hz 4800.046235680001 Hz mean yes pamphlet N/A 9V 2016-05-14 $60 De Anza banana, serial daily driver DMM w/square-wave source
FEI 5680A 0527-96364 Rb 1Hz, 10MHz 9999999.989175 Hz mean cold
10000000.000592856 Hz mean warm
yes online adhoc, breakout board N/A 2016-10-07 $107 Time Nut SMA, serial A man with two watches is never sure Rubidium standard
Heathkit IG-4505 xtal 1, 2, 5 x 10^0..6 Hz 1000004.7931780001 Hz mean .1uS yes online wired N/A 2015? $50 ebay BNC, banana enclosed scope calibrator. Removed 50R lump
Heathkit IOA-4510-1 xtal 1kHz, 10kHz, 100kHz, 1MHz 1000008.0493371428 Hz mean yes online N/A 5VDC wires 1978? $30+? came w/Heathkit blue scope I later sold testpoints bare board scope calibrator
Heathkit GC-1000 WWV 3.6MHz (not color burst) 3599987.56775 Hz mean yes yes? wired external 12V for moving 1983? $300+? Heathkit, Hopkins BNC, serial noise swamped WWVDO
Heathkit GC-1000H WWV 3.6MHz (not color burst) 3599981.321911765 Hz mean, unset repaired yes? wired external 12V for moving 2018-04-06 $call C&H, Duarte BNC recently aligned WWVDO
HP 8656A 2208A02828 OCXO? or ext ref 0.100 thru 990MHz 9999997.575258823 Hz mean OCXO wasn't online IEC N/A 2018-01-?? $75 as-is HSC N/BNC, GPIB replaced fuse signal generator, GPIB
RaspberryPi B NTP, xtal 40kHz-250MHz yes online USB charger N/A 2013-12-xx? gift MJB breakout, HDMI/RCA, USB, 100BT=rpi interpolated frequency generator
Tektronix 2235 B022915 R/L/C 995Hz yes yes IEC no 2018-03-10 $40 De Anza BNC, testpoint basic analog use calibrator
Tektronix 2236 R/L/C ~995Hz yes yes IEC no 2024-04-14 $20 West Valley BNC, testpoint basic analog, w/CTM needs minor maintenance: fan, range switch for CTM
Tektronix 455 B057713 R/L/C 943Hz yes yes wired no 1987 $80? Foothill flea market BNC, testpoint repaired use calibrator
Tektronix 455 R/L/C ~943Hz no yes wired no 2023-07-31 $20 West Valley flea market BNC, testpoint donated magic smoke to other 455
Tektronix 2440 B012584 xtal 50Hz, 500Hz, 5kHz, 50kHz, 500kHz, 1MHz, 5MHz yes online IEC N/A May 2015 $125 ebay BNC, testpoint, GPIB workhorse use calibrator
Tektronix CFG-280 TW11597 xtal for counter 0-11MHz yes online IEC N/A 2014? $110? ebay BNC can get about 7D resolution from 5D counter swept function generator, modulation inputs
Tektronix QuickStart8 xtal? various yes yes 9VDC wall wart USB 2015? $70? ebay SMA, testpoints 200ps fast rise scope demo board
Tektronix TSG-170A OCXO 3.5795454545... MHz 3579544.4572949996 Hz mean cold
3579544.7681599995 Hz mean
yes online IEC N/A 2018-12-27 $25 APEX BNC OCXO drifts across spec
Trimble Thunderbolt GPS 1Hz, 10MHz yes online brick N/A 2014-04-21 $202 Leapsecond BNCs, serial has 1024-week rollover problem; Lady Heather compensates GPSDO
test_tool generic GPS: LEA-M8F 1Hz thru 24MHz; 30.72MHz REF yes online USB N/A 2020-06-03 $80 ebay USB, SMA
ublox EVK-G20 GPS: LEA-6H 1Hz thru 24MHz; 48MHz int divs best yes online brick button for GPS 2019-05-11 $5 Fry's flea USB, serial, CDMA killed TIMEPULSE output trying to tack a wire on pullup resistor :-( see deviation spreadsheet
ublox LEA M8F GPS: LEA-M8F 1Hz thru 24MHz; 48MHz int divs best yes online USB button for GPS 2020-06-03 $80 ebay USB, SMA, CDMA Needs to be nailed down. someday, deviation spreadsheet DMMCheckPlus 3003 xtal 600Hz, 5kHz 599.9042667044446 Hz mean
5000.202958626667 Hz mean
yes online N/A 9V 2013? $85? testpoints overdue for recal DMM checker; freq less strict
Have manuals?
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Date acquired
Cost me
HP 3311A R/L/C 0-1.6MHz? yes online IEC N/A 2013? $100? HSC banana Disposed at flea market 2018-09-08 Fairly basic function generator
Tektronix 2440 B015127 xtal 50Hz, 500Hz, 5kHz, 50kHz, 500kHz, 1MHz, 5MHz yes online IEC N/A 2015-05-09 $100 ebay BNC, testpoint, GPIB disposed at flea market mid-late 2019 use calibrator