NTSC video sources I have

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Axio TV DHH-1000A RF, SPDIL, HDMI, base (composite, component), LAN and USB ports, too. mostly no integral N/A Spring 2024 free Anchor Electronix free box in parking lot OSD menu DVR?
Digital Watchdog C233W base yes no DC12V or 12-24VAC N/A 2019-05-11 $10 Flea OSD menu stiff focus
Dish 722k HDMI/base/comp/RF yes no yes N/A 1990? $25/mo now Dish basic
Heathkit IG-5240 RF yes yes N/A 2x9V 1980? $25? might want to tap baseband
Roku HDMI/base/comp yes no yes N/A 1990? $40? flea mkt diminishing programming
RaspberryPi B HDMI/base yes yes online PowerOne 2013-12-xx? gift MJB
TDL VDB mono yes yes yes S-100 1979 $200? BYTE ad? two-board sandwich, TTL, sixel, 80x24x2
Processor Technology VDM-1 mono? yes yes yes S-100 1979 $200? grupp Sold at VCF west 2019?
elgato eyehome base/comp/S-video works, needs remote yes 5V wall wart N/A 1998? $20? flea mkt
1byOne ATSC tuner base/RF/HDMI works yes yes N/A 2018-12-29 $10? W6TRW flea NIB something for monitor to look at
SONY Media Player SMP-N200 base/comp/HDMI briefly displays SONY before shutting down no? odd 12V connector N/A 2019-04-13 $2 flea 100BT, USB, optical
SONY SHLF-400 base/RF did, now gives up PLAYing yes yes N/A 2016 $40? ebay damaged in transit bought mostly to ungate digitizing from other broken decks
SONY SHLF-860D base/RF no, needs re-evaluation yes yes N/A 1990? $400? Fry's bought for dubbing source
SONY SHLF-900 base/RF no, needs re-evaluation yes yes N/A 1987 $400? Sound Design?, SanAntonio&California, MVCA devised BIs speed mod
SONY SLV-? base/RF yes, presumably yes yes N/A 1987 $400? Fry's? unpowered for years VHS deck
Tektronix TSG-170A base yes yes 1 PS between 2 TSGs N/A 2018-12-27 $25 APEX OCXO drifts across spec fan was noisier
Tektronix TSG-370 base/comp mostly no 1 PS between 2 TSGs N/A 2018-12-27 $25 APEX OCXO drifts across spec fan was noisier
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Have A/C?
Have the battery?
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