CALCULATING ;NIACMtNE 13 RNI We congratulate you :OR your new Bruns~ viga Calculating Machine 13 RM which wl:ll certainly provide much enjoym~nt due to its ease of operation and speed with which, it carries out all calcut.tlons. These instructions wiC( acquaint you with the many advantages of this model and it will be beneficial to read the instructions thoroughly before using your new Calculat- .i ng M ach i ne. And ncz~nr, lots ofsuccessl . INSTRUCTION ~0000000000~0 BOOK 1 Operation of the machine The Brunsviga 13 RM, your new Calculating Machine, stands before you. You have just unpacked it, and now you wish to get to know the machine and how to operate it as quickly as possible. The Brunsviga 13 RM is inmmediately ready for opera- tion; you can start. Please place the machine on the right in front of you in such a manner that you can turn the crank comfortably and also have a clear view of all the 3 re- gisters. The operating handle is drawn out a little from its rest, after which you turn the handle a few times to the right and a few times to the left for pratice, without, however, letting it go back into the rest after each turn. All crank rotations should be made quickly and evenly avoiding sudden jerks. Once you have com- menced to turn the handle, the revolution must be completed, i.e. you cannot reverse the di rection of rotation in the middle of a revolvtion. 2 Setting levers and check register The number is set by means of the levers in the setting mechanism. You will see that the setting t'rack of each of the levers is marked with the nvm- bers If you, therefore, wish to set any number, e.g. (t5,, you draw the lever up to the embosse€d <<5>>. You will notice that the €~5~ also appears in the check register after setting. In the case of multiple digit values it is of most advantage to put the figures into the machine starting from the left and beginning with the first digit, i.e. for instance in the case of the 5-digit number 27354, the 5th lever is first of all set to <<2>>, (the setting levers are numbered by means of the digit numbers above the setting control me- chanism), then the 4th lever is set to <<7,>, the 3rd lever to <<3>> the 2nd lever to <<5,, and the Ist lever to <<4>>. Now as a control, the number (<27354,, can be read off from the check register. Please practice a little with any arbitrary num bers. ,F~